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Let's talk about sleep, or lack of it!

Writer's picture: Vicki BaumannVicki Baumann

Updated: Jan 3

One of the common symptons of perimenopause and menopause is sleeplessness

By Vicki Baumann, founder of YogaWithVickiB (Abridged version of article in Menopause Life magazine, Issue 2 - click here to read the full article on pages 4-5)

Anyone who has been, or is going through, menopause will probably be familiar with the nights of hot flushes - the covers-on, covers-off scenario. I know my husband remembers the many nights where I would fling the duvet onto his side and then be dragging it back when it had passed!

Whilst yoga can't stop the hot sweats, some gentle yoga poses and breathing can really help us calm our minds and relax our body prior to bedtime. Making it part of our pre-bedtime ritual can be really helpful.

🔸 Standing Forward Fold Pose - can help relieve any tension in the spine and neck and help calm your mind

🔸 Reclining Bound Angle Pose - a relaxing pose that can help improve circulation and can be soothing during menstruation and menopause

🔸 Legs up the Wall Pose - extremely relaxing and refreshing for the legs and groin area

Yoga teacher Vicki Baumann of Yogawithvickib names as one of the f:Entrepreneur #ialso100 for 2020.

You can follow my descriptions in the full article - just click on the image above - or you can choose to come along to one of my complete beginner courses or beginners-continuation classes.

All my yoga classes are live online - something that I know a number of my students find incredibly helpful as they can have their room cool or warm to suit them, rather than others.

Are you going through menopause and would like to start yoga and do so with a teacher who has been through the same - then I'm your yogi!

I know only too well just how it can make you feel. Perhaps sluggish, a little out of love with your body, reduced confidence (my confidence certainly took a huge knock through this time of my life).

I love working with new female clients who are at that stage of their life where they want to take control of their health and wellbeing and ensure that, whilst their body may be changing, that they remain strong and flexible into their next stage of life.

If you would like to have a chat about how you can join my next beginners course; join one of my live online yoga classes; or would like to discuss working with me for 1-2-1 yoga – then get in touch, message or call me and I’ll be happy to talk. As all my classes are run live online via Zoom, it doesn't matter where in the UK you are located - you can easily access my classes, my workshops and online retreats so you needn’t put off starting

Want to find out more about my online retreats and my in-person ladies Yoga Retreats in Kalkan and the UK? Take a look under 'Yoga With Me' on my website or get in touch – I’d love to hear from you

And you can keep up-to-date with news, views and top tips by signing up to receive my newsletter.

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