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How yoga can help when you 'fall out of love' with your body

Writer: Vicki BaumannVicki Baumann

Going through the peri- and menopause can often throw up changes in the way women view themselves

by Vicki Baumann, Menopause Life, Issue 1

(Abridged version of article on pages 8-9, to read the full Menopause Life article click here )

We all know 'yoga is good for you' - often our friends or our doctor may even encourage it. But - if you're in the middle of peri- or menopause, it can be really hard to consider starting something new.

Menopause can sometimes have the result of women 'falling out of love' with their bodies - feeling sluggish - and often finding it hard to muster up enthusiasm to try something new.

Yet, yoga is so good for us - particularly at this stage of our lives.

🔸 It can maintain and build bone density

🔸 Build muscle

🔸 Help relief anxiety

Yoga with hot flushes, no thank you!

With all classes live online it can be really convenient. If you need to fling a window open mid-class to accommodate a flush - no problem! You've got no other students in the room to consider!

Yoga teacher Vicki Baumann of Yogawithvickib names as one of the f:Entrepreneur #ialso100 for 2020.

When you are on your mat, focusing on your pose, balance, stretch and breath - you really don't think of other things. It can be really calming.

But what sort of yoga class to choose? There is a huge choice of styles, including just a few:

🔸 Gentle

🔸 Dynamic

🔸 Flow Yoga

🔸 Hot Yoga

🔸 Restorative

Choose a style that resonates with you - you'll know when you've found your happy place

I say - just start - choose a class you like the sound of and a teacher that 'talks your language'. It may be that you will need to try a few teachers before you find the one whose approach, style and 'voice' is right for you.

At the heart of my yoga business is my beginners courses - providing a safe space where all new students start together. Supported. Learning together step-by-step. So if you are anxious about entering into an ongoing class, this can be a great place to start.

If you would like to have a chat about how you can join my next beginners course; join one of my live online yoga classes; or would like to discuss working with me for 1-2-1 yoga – then get in touch, message or call me and I’ll be happy to talk. As all my classes are run live online via Zoom, it doesn't matter where in the UK you are located - you can easily access my classes, my workshops and online retreats so you needn’t put off starting

Want to find out more about my online retreats and my in-person ladies Yoga Retreats in Kalkan and the UK? Take a look under 'Yoga With Me' on my website or get in touch – I’d love to hear from you

And you can keep up-to-date with news, views and top tips by signing up to receive my newsletter.


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