I'm a yoga teacher, but am I right for you?
Let me introduce my business to you in a little more detail so you can decide if I may be just the yoga teacher you are looking for? With so many yoga teachers, and so many different ‘styles’ of yoga to choose from, it can be confusing.

🔸I teach what is called Vinyasa Yoga – which basically means a Flow Yoga
🔸 Flow yoga is where one pose literally flows into another, so it becomes like a ‘dance’ a ‘routine’. But it’s better as you don’t have to memorise what the flow is as I will be talking and leading you through each pose
🔸 I don’t teach ‘hot yoga’ – but you will get hot! The flow will warm you up and get you sweating – you don’t need a hot yoga studio to make you sweat!
What I really love to do is provide a space where everyone can explore what they are truly capable of. In my experience we are all much stronger and able to become far more flexible than we ever think we're going to be when we first start.
And, let’s not forget. Yoga is not just about fancy poses. It is about providing a space where you can sit; focus on your breath; concentrate and learn to stop all the ‘chatter’ that goes on in our minds.
So am I right for you as a yoga teacher?
Well, let me answer a few typical questions that I get asked.
Do you ever find yourself saying I could never do yoga as I’m far too inflexible?
If the answer is yes, then my classes will be perfect for you. I have heard this from many of my students. You will find after a few classes that your flexibility improves and you can achieve so much more than you originally thought possible.
Are you worried to start a class in case you hold people back not knowing what to do?
This is why I run my beginners courses and beginners class – so you are in similar company and all learn together. Or I can come to your home to teach 1-2-1 to help get you up to speed so you are more confident about joining a class.
Where do I teach?
In Long Ditton, Surrey where I run various classes and courses in Long Ditton Village Hall.
If I’m a complete beginner are your classes suitable?
I run a series of beginners courses throughout the year. I will introduce the flows and poses from the basic up; until at the end of the course you will know the two common ‘flows’ that are taught in my classes and will have an understanding of the basic poses. You will then be perfectly able to join in my other classes.
I also run a beginners level class on a Monday morning that welcomes drop-ins and new students. It is a simple flow and some lovely deep stretching and strengthening poses. This will provide you with a good introduction to yoga and provides a nice gentle flow to start the week.
Recovering from injury or want a bespoke class?
If you are recovering from an injury; or looking to be more focused to help a specific sport, then I can come to you. I teach 1-2-1 classes where I can provide a bespoke programme for you.
I'm time poor and can’t manage evenings and weekends?
This is why I also run my sunrise yoga classes 6-7am twice a week. It’s a beautiful way to start the day.
Can you run a class in our office?
Yes I can. I have various packages that can be adapted to suit individual businesses – running group classes, together with some 1-2-1 sessions.
Do you run Retreats in the UK or abroad?
Yes I do, I run an annual ladies yoga & relaxation retreat in Kalkan, Turkey each year. I'm also shortly going to be announcing a UK weekend retreat that will take place in March 2021.
If you want to find out more about my yoga classes, yoga retreats, private 1-2-1 yoga and how to introduce yoga into your office, get in touch – I’d love to hear from you hello@yogawithvickib.com
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